Teasing is to make fun of; mock playfully or the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule). Teasing is very common at home, school and workplace. But there are eight things a lot of people do not know about teasing which can drastically affect their lives. Here we go:
1. It’s an amusement that exploits or preys on people’s inadequacies or
failures: Teasing feeds on people’s mistakes, failures, inadequacies and bad behaviors. It's like looking through someone's garbage for useful material. It uses what has happened in the past even though things have changed and times are different. The serial teaser will always find something in another to tease them about. They will pick on weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and keep changing what they tease you about, as long as they have the power to humiliate you. It can profoundly upset and depress the person being teased.
2. It could be funny enough to cause chagrin: Chagrin is a keen feeling of mental unease as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event. When teasing goes into routine and to one direction (one person) all the time, it could lead to chagrin. This is especially the case when the teaser has some authority over the teased—and this is difficult, because of class distinction or work hierarchy the victim must swallow all of his annoyance because he is all but forbidden to express his offense to his superior. Repressing his constant embarrassment and annoyance could affect his lifestyle and attitudes. The repressed feelings of being ruffled can cause an emotional disturbance in him which could lead to the feeling of worthlessness, helplessness and hopelessness. It could lead to work stress and burn out. And ultimately, it could cause emotional induced illness.
3. It’s a fun that regurgitates and echoes imperfection: I would have preferred the word addictive but let use regurgitate. Regurgitate in zoology is a word that is used to classify some birds and certain other animals that posses a special digestive system that enables them to bring back up to the mouth undigested or partly digested food with which to feed the young. In the context of this writing, when I use the term regurgitate to illustrate teasing, I mean that teasers reproduce incomplete information or partial knowledge of something about someone without verifying if it's true before using it. Little “facts” that demean and could offend someone are often expressed in a funny way to convey information with the pretense that they are not intention to hurt or offend. Teasers can echo what they heard or saw with or without anything to back up their information to achieve their goals. They sometime twist or
exaggerate stuff while teasing.
4. It could cross boundaries: Teasers can go the extra mile when they engage in teasing. People who enjoy teasing and have run out of material could start asking their victim about past experiences or stories about their life. They could ask very personal questions, and use this information to humiliate and exploit someone. They crosses some very personal and intimate boundaries. This is because when you scratch an itch, nothing but more scratching will do – and they so enjoy putting someone on the spot for their own amusement.
5. It could foster gossip: Usually when the victim walks away from the scene of being teased, what goes on behind him is nothing but gossip. Gossip is a when people speak about someone else's personal life, relationships, etc. for their own enjoyment. It is a conversation involving malicious chatter or rumors about other people. Addicted teasers are people who habitually spread intimate rumors or facts about other people in the act of gossip.
6. It could endanger relationships: No trust can exist where secrets cannot be kept. No trust will survive among people who maliciously talk about their friends and acquaintance's personal, sensational or intimate information to others. This is especially the case between friends when one happens to know that the other said something about him to other people. Little or no trust will survive it. And a relationship without trust, respect and support does not last. When you tease someone you called a friend in public reciting his failures, rejections, disappointments or inadequacies, I bet you, you will loose his trust and respect. And you can also bet that he will likely retaliate by getting back at you in a more humiliating way.
7. It could diminish your value: Chronic teasing and inappropriate gossip about someone to other people could make you lose some respect. When a top ranking boss stoops or debases himself to say filthy things, among his employees about someone in their position, he loses his credibility. It could affect their regard of him and may affect their loyalty. Professionals who criticize and debase amateurs may lose their fans for lowering themselves to disgrace those working so hard to become like them. This is why we must all remember that we all had to come up from nothing to success by hard work and discipline. We should all encourage others making this difficult journey.
8. It could get you into trouble: When chronic teasing is directed at someone’s race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, creed (religion), sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status and record of offenses especially at a workplace—the victim could perceive it as harassment. Workplace harassment could get a worker, supervisor, manager and the company into trouble. The occupational Health and Safety Act of Canada Article 1.4 defines Workplace Harassment as engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct against a worker, in a workplace—behavior that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome [Section 1]…
This may include: making remarks, jokes or innuendos that demean, ridicule, or offend;… page 3. http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/pdf/wpvh_gl.pdf You could loose your job or be called into question over what you say while teasing.
1. It’s an amusement that exploits or preys on people’s inadequacies or
failures: Teasing feeds on people’s mistakes, failures, inadequacies and bad behaviors. It's like looking through someone's garbage for useful material. It uses what has happened in the past even though things have changed and times are different. The serial teaser will always find something in another to tease them about. They will pick on weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and keep changing what they tease you about, as long as they have the power to humiliate you. It can profoundly upset and depress the person being teased.
2. It could be funny enough to cause chagrin: Chagrin is a keen feeling of mental unease as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event. When teasing goes into routine and to one direction (one person) all the time, it could lead to chagrin. This is especially the case when the teaser has some authority over the teased—and this is difficult, because of class distinction or work hierarchy the victim must swallow all of his annoyance because he is all but forbidden to express his offense to his superior. Repressing his constant embarrassment and annoyance could affect his lifestyle and attitudes. The repressed feelings of being ruffled can cause an emotional disturbance in him which could lead to the feeling of worthlessness, helplessness and hopelessness. It could lead to work stress and burn out. And ultimately, it could cause emotional induced illness.
3. It’s a fun that regurgitates and echoes imperfection: I would have preferred the word addictive but let use regurgitate. Regurgitate in zoology is a word that is used to classify some birds and certain other animals that posses a special digestive system that enables them to bring back up to the mouth undigested or partly digested food with which to feed the young. In the context of this writing, when I use the term regurgitate to illustrate teasing, I mean that teasers reproduce incomplete information or partial knowledge of something about someone without verifying if it's true before using it. Little “facts” that demean and could offend someone are often expressed in a funny way to convey information with the pretense that they are not intention to hurt or offend. Teasers can echo what they heard or saw with or without anything to back up their information to achieve their goals. They sometime twist or
exaggerate stuff while teasing.
4. It could cross boundaries: Teasers can go the extra mile when they engage in teasing. People who enjoy teasing and have run out of material could start asking their victim about past experiences or stories about their life. They could ask very personal questions, and use this information to humiliate and exploit someone. They crosses some very personal and intimate boundaries. This is because when you scratch an itch, nothing but more scratching will do – and they so enjoy putting someone on the spot for their own amusement.
5. It could foster gossip: Usually when the victim walks away from the scene of being teased, what goes on behind him is nothing but gossip. Gossip is a when people speak about someone else's personal life, relationships, etc. for their own enjoyment. It is a conversation involving malicious chatter or rumors about other people. Addicted teasers are people who habitually spread intimate rumors or facts about other people in the act of gossip.
6. It could endanger relationships: No trust can exist where secrets cannot be kept. No trust will survive among people who maliciously talk about their friends and acquaintance's personal, sensational or intimate information to others. This is especially the case between friends when one happens to know that the other said something about him to other people. Little or no trust will survive it. And a relationship without trust, respect and support does not last. When you tease someone you called a friend in public reciting his failures, rejections, disappointments or inadequacies, I bet you, you will loose his trust and respect. And you can also bet that he will likely retaliate by getting back at you in a more humiliating way.
7. It could diminish your value: Chronic teasing and inappropriate gossip about someone to other people could make you lose some respect. When a top ranking boss stoops or debases himself to say filthy things, among his employees about someone in their position, he loses his credibility. It could affect their regard of him and may affect their loyalty. Professionals who criticize and debase amateurs may lose their fans for lowering themselves to disgrace those working so hard to become like them. This is why we must all remember that we all had to come up from nothing to success by hard work and discipline. We should all encourage others making this difficult journey.
8. It could get you into trouble: When chronic teasing is directed at someone’s race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, creed (religion), sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status and record of offenses especially at a workplace—the victim could perceive it as harassment. Workplace harassment could get a worker, supervisor, manager and the company into trouble. The occupational Health and Safety Act of Canada Article 1.4 defines Workplace Harassment as engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct against a worker, in a workplace—behavior that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome [Section 1]…
This may include: making remarks, jokes or innuendos that demean, ridicule, or offend;… page 3. http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/pdf/wpvh_gl.pdf You could loose your job or be called into question over what you say while teasing.

Elisha O. Ogbonna is an author and speaker. His most recent book is titled "Mastering the Power of Your Emotions: How to control what happens in you irrespective of what happens to